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The Platform+Support subscription gives your organization access to the support, training, and customizations to help your organization utilize WBAT to its full potential.

Technical Assistance

Platform+Support subscribers have peace of mind knowing a team of technical safety professionals are available to assist with any process in WBAT. Moreover, WBAT offers the most cost-effective and affordable support packages in the industry.

The WBAT Support Team is available to answer questions and assist with the use of WBAT during business hours. The online WBAT Help Center is available 24/7 and contains content and videos for guidance on everything you need to know to use WBAT. Additionally, support is available to WBAT administrators from their Platform+Support subscriber’s WBAT system. The administrator can access all the Help Center content and submit requests without ever leaving WBAT.


Organizations can utilize the WBAT Support Team to learn more about the WBAT system, data outputs, or even FAA safety programs. Our team offers industry expertise in both SMS implementation and ASAP management. Training can be conducted via the web or at your facility.


There are many aspects of WBAT that can be customized to align with your organization’s language and processes, such as labels, taxonomy, process flows, submission forms, and workflows.

WBAT Community and Industry Events

The WBAT Support Team conducts several WBAT User Training Conferences each year. These events are hosted by Platform+Subscribers and are focused on a specific module or aspect of WBAT. These events are open to any organization subscribing to Platform+Support.

The WBAT Support Team also attends many industry events throughout the year, such as Aviation Safety InfoShare, Bombardier Safety Standdown, NBAA events, and the SMS Industry Forum. The WBAT Support Team is available to discuss technical solutions to safety processes and offers training at most events.

Upcoming Events:

November 8-10, 2022 – Bombardier Safety Standdown

Additional Features

As a Platform+Support subscriber, your organization would get access to additional features in WBAT that are not available to Platform Only users, including: